Brussels Regional Public Service - Brussels International

Programming projects FEDER 2014 – 2020

Renovation of the crematorium boiler room

The project provides for the renovation of the boiler room, distribution, ventilation unit and regulation, with the addition of storage, to enable the buildings to be heated almost exclusively by recovering heat from the furnace fumes, up to 85% of the estimated needs.

This project was selected in the framework of the 2018 call for projects “Improving energy efficiency in public buildings”.



Address: Société Coopérative Intercommunale de crémation (SCIC) – Rue du Silence 61 – Bruxelles 1180 Belgique

Projects category: Axe 3 


Programme: 2014 – 2020

Total budget: 0.45 Mio €

EU + BCR Budget: 0.23 Mio €

Société Coopérative Intercommunale de crémation (SCIC)

Rue du Silence 61 Bruxelles 1180 Belgique