Brussels Regional Public Service - Brussels International

Programming projects FEDER 2007 – 2013

Abbatoirs SA FoodMet

The new food hall FOODMET aims to increase the attractiveness of the ABATTOIR in Cureghem, with a total area of 900 m2. The aim is to develop economic activities by encouraging the establishment of street vendors at the weekend through the construction of commercial spaces and a covered market. The fruit and vegetable stores have an area of 2,600 m². The butcher’s shops cover 2,737 m².

With a surface area of 4,000 m² of roof covering, a few technical facilities and an additional subsidy from the ERDF, it made it possible to install the BIGH  project in 2016. An Aquaponique city farm on the roof of FOODMET. A first in Europe in urban agriculture. With the urban farm component, a direct link between the production of food products can be realized.



Addresse : Rue Ropsy Chaudron 24 Bruxelles 1070 Belgique

Catégorie de projets : Axe 2

Liens utiles :

Programme : 2007 – 2013

Budget total : 25.59 Mio €

Budget EU + RBC : 7.48 Mio €

Abbatoirs SA FoodMet

Rue Ropsy Chaudron 24 Bruxelles 1070 Belgique