Brussels Regional Public Service - Brussels International

Programming projects FEDER 2007 – 2013

Atrium Open Soon

To stimulate the opening of innovative and quality shops, to make Brussels an attractive shopping capital and to encourage the inhabitants of Brussels to start as an independent, Atrium has set up Open Soon, a call for projects which makes it possible to finance the opening of shops with original concepts.

Open Soon is an ambitious and innovative project that enhances the attractiveness and supports the revitalization of shopping areas in the area by turning them into commercial innovation hubs. Open Soon proposed two devices intended for commercial candidates and commercial cell owners to renovate:

1. the renovation of unoccupied commercial cells

2. Renovation and development of storefronts, store fronts and terraces



Addresse : chaussée de Charleroi 110 Bruxelles 1060 Belgique

Catégorie de projets : Axe 2

Liens utiles :

Programme : 2007 – 2013

Budget total : 5.05 Mio €

Budget EU + RBC : 3.25 Mio €

Atrium Open Soon

Chaussée de Charleroi 110 Bruxelles 1060 Belgique