Programming projects FEDER 2007 – 2013
Village finance: Supporting the creation of enterprises

Award of 6.200€ grants for the creation of very small enterprises whose holder finds himself/herself in a situation of banking exclusion,the creation or development of social economy / green businesses. Award grants in addition to existing credit of at least 3.500€ obtained previously from an alternative credit institution. Objective : provide 119 grants and the creation of 180 full-time jobs.
Addresse : rue Fernand Bernier 15 Bruxelles 1060 Belgique
Catégorie de projets : Axe 1
Website : Website Village finance
Liens utiles : –
Programme : 2007 – 2013
Budget total : 0.74 Mio €
Budget EU + RBC : 0.74 Mio €
Village finance: Fonds de développement local Soutien à la création d’entreprises
rue Fernand Bernier 15 Bruxelles 1060 Belgique