Brussels Regional Public Service - Brussels International

Programming projects FEDER 2014 – 2020

BBSM Project (The Brussels Building Source of New Materials)

The FEDER funded BBSM project brings 4 different partners together for one mission – demonstrate that end-of-life materials are resources and that their reintroduction into the cyclical process is positive for the sustainable development of the Brussels-Capital Region.

The BBSM project responds to the main socio-economic challenges of the region: resource & waste management, reinforcement and creation of sectors in the value chain, creation of jobs, etc. Moreover, it meets the new objectives in circular economy encouraged by Europe and the Brussels-Capital Region through the PREC (Programme Régional en Economie Circulaire).

This project considers the BCR as an urban mine, where materials in buildings maintain their value. It aims to establish the urban metabolism of the Brussels region concerning the construction sector in a bottom-up approach. The research examines the opportunities offered by the value –chain of the sector, the technical and legal aspects linked to recovery (re-use, recycling) and the impact of design on the possibilities of using end-of-life materials as new materials.
The final objective is the development of a tool for an efficient management and exploitation of the local material resources constituted by C&D waste in the Brussels Capital-Region.



Programme : 2014 – 2020

Total budget: 1.16 Mio €

EU + BCR Budget: 1.08 Mio €

Le Bâti Bruxellois Source de Nouveaux Matériaux (BBSM)

Rue Dieudonné Lefèvre 17 Bruxelles 1020 Belgique