The latest News from the European Union in Brussels
Interreg North-West Europe: new call for projects

New call for Interreg North West Europe projects
The Interreg North-West Europe territorial cooperation programme, of which the Brussels-Capital Region is a member, is launching a new call for projects in the spring of 2022. The aim is to support innovative, sustainable, inclusive and cooperative activities.
The aim is to support innovative, sustainable, inclusive and cooperation-based activities.
You may be eligible for European funding to give your project a boost and collaborate with partners from other regions in North-West Europe, that are working on similar issues.
A new call for projects for the Interreg North-West Europe programme, of which the Brussels-Capital Region is a member, is expected in spring 2022.
The Interreg North-West Europe programme in a nutshell
Interreg North-West Europe (NWE) is a European Territorial Cooperation Programme funded by the European Commission with the ambition to make the North-West Europe area a key economic player and an attractive place to work and live.
It invests in innovative, sustainable and inclusive activities based on the cooperation of organisations from Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, and Switzerland.
Check the Interreg North-West Europe website for more information. We will provide more detailed information about this call for projects in our next newsletters.