Brussels Regional Public Service - Brussels International

The latest News from the European Union in Brussels

The Government of the Brussels-Capital Region has validated a new preliminary draft of the new ERDF programme

On 3 February 2022, the Brussels Government approved the first version of the multiannual regional development programme of the ERDF European structural fund for 2021-2027

This programme, which is supported by the European Union to the tune of 121 million euros, has a budget of nearly 300 million euros. As such, it sets out a solid roadmap for supporting and developing projects and investments of regional interest, to be implemented in the Brussels-Capital Region by 2029. The ERDF Department of Brussels International will be responsible for its follow-up and future management and coordination.

Strengthening economic, social and territorial cohesion in the European Union

The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) is one of five main funds of the European cohesion policy. It supports multiannual programmes to strengthen economic, social and territorial cohesion in the European Union (EU) – through the development of its regions. 

Following the adoption of a multiannual financial framework, the European institutions approved a regulatory framework for the management of ERDF interventions for 2021-2027 in June 2021.


Approval of a preliminary draft of the 2021-2027 Brussels ERDF programme

On 3 February, the Brussels Government approved a preliminary draft of the ERDF programme for 2021-2027, which presents elements of the strategy and assessment of how funds will be used in the years to come.

As was the case for the 2014-2020 ERDF programme, innovation, SMEs and the circular economy continue to be priorities. In addition, and in line with the priorities defined by the EU, the Brussels Regional Government has chosen to invest in the digitalisation of public services, energy savings – in particular through the energy renovation of housing and the public building stock – and collective facilities, in neighbourhoods among others.

After a public inquiry among the population and upon receipt of the opinions of regional advisory bodies, the 2021-2027 ERDF programme will be adapted in the spring of 2022, before being presented to the European Commission before the summer. The first Calls for Proposals should be launched in the second half of 2022.


Support in line with European priorities

As far as energy is concerned, the 2021-2027 Brussels ERDF programme will help to ensure that the public building stock meets the energy performance standards by 2050 (long-term European strategy) and will strengthen support for the public authorities helping them to implement the best possible renovations.

In terms of investments in the districts, the programme supplements regional policies by relying on local dynamics to determine which collective facilities are a priority for the population.

The table below presents the specific objectives, as selected by the Brussels-Capital Region, and their budget breakdown.

The support granted by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) provides the Brussels-Capital Region with a unique opportunity to invest in neighbourhoods and support local projects, SMEs and universities, in addition to existing funding. For the first time ever, substantial resources have been allocated to ‘green’ targets, an absolute necessity in view of the current and future environmental and social context.

Find out more
: In the margin of the public inquiry, the preliminary draft of the 2021-2027 EDRF programme is available online on