The latest News from the European Union in Brussels
Europe Day 2023 in Brussels, an opportunity to initiate a citizens’ dialogue on projects financed by European funds.

A stand that encourages participation
When the European institutions held their Open Day on 6 May 2023, the three regions and communities set up a joint Belgian stand in front of the European Commission building. This was an opportunity for the various regions responsible for managing European funds to meet the citizens.
A dialogue took place in the form of a game about the European cohesion policy. Its aim was to inform visitors about the projects already financed in the various regions and to ask them what they would finance first and foremost with European funds.
These were the various themes proposed:
1) green construction;
2) healthcare;
3) social and creative enterprises/SMEs;
4) digitisation and ICT;
5) tourism/creative sector;
6) the professionalisation of young people/educational facilities;
7) soft mobility;
8) childcare;
9) culture, living environment and social cohesion;
10) circular economy, sustainable food, urban agriculture, energy performance;
11) innovation and research.

Success accomplished!
The game consisted of dropping fake banknotes into boxes marked with the various intervention areas. The people taking part in the game thus defined the priority to be given to European cohesion policy investments. A facilitator, Pierre PAULUS, asked them why they had chosen a specific theme, while cartoonist Valentin DELLIEU sketched the most striking scenes, highlighting the key messages.
All the proposed themes were a great success! In all, 486 people of different ages, genders, nationalities and speaking different languages took part in this game! The following three areas received the most votes: healthcare (274 votes), ecology (243 votes) and education (221 votes).
To see the images of this 2023 edition, we invite you to watch the video of the event.
Europe and the Brussels Capital Region invest in our future!
Together and thanks to the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund), Europe and the Brussels-Capital Region are carrying out numerous projects for the benefit of the Brussels inhabitants.
A real plus for Brussels!