Brussels Regional Public Service - Brussels International

Reference documents for the 2007 – 2013 Programming

The documents in  this sections are available in French and/ or Dutch





The Managing Authority of the programme has drawn up a vade-mecum for project promoters, in order to provide them with as much information as possible. The vade-mecum contains a wealth of information, and in particular all the rights and duties of project promoters, such as information and publicity obligations, the various reports (progress reports, activity reports, indicators, annual accounts, etc.) they are required to submit, and so on.

Guidance notes have also been drawn up on more specific subjects, such as public procurement and revenue. It should be noted that the vade mecum and guidance notes in no way replace the documents and regulations applicable in the various fields concerned. Finally, in the lexicon of indicators, the Managing Authority defines the statistical indicators that will enable projects to be evaluated objectively.

You can consult the full document in French here: