Programming projects FEDER 2014 – 2020

Teaching Equipment

The aim of the project “Teaching Equipment W / B” is to allow continued institutional support for investments made by technical and vocational schools located in the Brussels Region for the acquisition of equipment necessary for a training offer in line with needs enterprises.

The long-term objective is to induce a better insertion on the labor market for young people who are destined for careers in technical and manual occupations and also meeting the needs and expectations of employers who want to have a hand skilled worker. The project also aims to modernize the equipment of qualifying institutions and adapted technology centers (ATC) and to increase the attractiveness of these establishments to young people by investing in state-of-the-art technology equipment.


Address: Boulevard Léopold II, 44 Bruxelles 1080 Belgique

Projects category: Axe 2


Programme: 2014 – 2020

Total budget: 13.70 Mio €

EU + BCR Budget: 4.60 Mio €

Teaching Equipment

Boulevard Léopold II, 44 Bruxelles 1080 Belgique

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