Programming projects FEDER 2007 – 2013
Stimuler l’esprit d’entreprendre : Raising the awareness of young people
The Brussels Agency for Enterprise (renamed has proposed a youth awareness program in the ZIP, towards entrepreneurial spirit within the ZIP.
It is surrounded by training organizations: Group One, ICHEC (Step2you), Junior Achievement and UNIZO, each with its own awareness tools.
The activity covered programs for teaching, the Elaboration of pedagogic tools, the organization of events and meetings to strengthen networks and the establishment of a monitoring system.
The number of beneficiaries affected by these actions is over 13,000.
Addresse : –
Catégorie de projets : Axe 1
Website : website Boost your talent
Liens utiles : Les jeunes entreprises / website Groupe one asbl / WEBSITE ICHEC / Website UNIZO / website
Programme : 2007 – 2013
Budget total : 1.56 Mio €
Budget EU + RBC : 0.78 Mio €