Programming projects FEDER 2014 – 2020
The COOPCITY project aims to help make Brussels a “smart city”, a city that focuses on social innovation and new social and innovative economic models. The project aims to provide Brussels with a center for social, cooperative and collaborative entrepreneurship.
COOPCITY includes five support programs (‘Starters’, ‘Scale Up / Growth’, ‘Diversification’, ‘Catalyst for multi-stakeholder projects’ and ‘Generator of social innovations’) and a co-working space in the service of social innovation and social entrepreneurship.
The project’s objectives are therefore to contribute to the creation of economic activities and employment, particularly in the area of social entrepreneurship, in order to better meet the socio-economic expectations of Brussels residents, as well as to improve employability (active inclusion, “gender equality”, fight against discrimination, etc.), and the enhancement of the potential for creating sustainable activities and jobs.
Address: rue Coenraets 72A Bruxelles 1060 Belgique
Projects category: Axe 2
Programme: 2014 – 2020
Total budget: 4.64 Mio €
EU + BCR Budget: 4.18 Mio €
rue Coenraets 72A Bruxelles 1060 Belgique