Brussels Regional Public Service - Brussels International

The ERDF Programme 2007 – 2013


The aim of European regional policy is to enable regions and their inhabitants to play a full role in promoting growth and competitiveness by helping to finance projects. For the 2007-2013 period, the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) has pursued 3 objectives: “convergence”, “regional competitiveness and employment” and “European territorial cooperation”.

Strategy: Operational Programme 2007-2013

Like every Belgian region, the Brussels-Capital Region has developed its own strategy, adapted to its socio-economic characteristics. This is part of the National Reform Programme, the Brussels contribution to the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) and the Regional Innovation Plan.

The Region has defined its objectives in an operational programme entitled “Objectif 2013: Investissons ensemble dans le développement urbain!” (objective 2013 let’s invest together in urban development)

This programme represents a total of 115 million euros, co-financed by the European Union and the Region. Drawn up with the support of various experts and numerous regional partners, it was approved by the Government on March 22, 2007 (second reading) and then by the European Commission on November 27, 2007.

This programme has enabled 34 projects to be carried out. They can be divided into 2 axes or objectives: supporting territorial competitiveness and strengthening territorial cohesion. In addition to the numerous infrastructures implemented, a few evocative results can be cited in terms of support for SMEs and VSBs: 205 loans and 78 grants awarded, almost 600 jobs created, 23 businesses renovated, as well as 10,745 people reached by actions concerning entrepreneurship, 20,000 m² of new business premises, 120,000 m² of soil cleaned up and 2 new research centers. The projects launched during the 2007-2013 programming period were completed at the end of 2015.

2007-2013 Projects supported

Following the two calls for projects launched by the Government in 2007 and 2008, 34 projects were selected. These projects, along with the actions undertaken by the Government over the past ten years, have helped to revitalize the economy, training and employment in the Priority Intervention Zone (ZIP) and improve its attractiveness.

Numerous projects from the 2007-2013 programme are listed on the Canal website. Discover them on this dedicated site!

We also invite you to visit the Abattoir d’Anderlecht website.

This project received a grant of 1,435,674 euros under the 2007-2013 programme.

Guidance note and documents for project leaders 2007-2013

Documents are available on the page : Reference documents

Programming 2007 – 2013 News