The Calls for Projects of ERDF programming 2021 – 2027
The calls for projects for the new ERDF Programming 2021 – 2027 are now closed.
For a better understanding of the objectives of this programming, please refer to the ERDF 2021-2027 Programme.
For a better understanding of its concrete implementation, you will find above the number of projects selected to achieve each specific objective as well as the amounts that have been allocated. These projects are shown on our map or described in more detail in the list of operations.
You can also consult all the calls for projects that have been organised and the reference documents (in French or Dutch) relating to each of them.
If you would like to be kept informed of the latest news on projects supported under the 2021-2027 ERDF Programme, we invite you to follow us on our social networks.
If you would like to be kept informed (by e-mail) of forthcoming calls for projects under the next programming period, please let us know by completing the form at the bottom of this page.
You will find below the calls for projects that have been organised, the number of projects selected and the budget awarded.
Specific Objective 1.1
Improve research and innovation capacities and the use of advanced technologies
Selected projects
Organised calls for projects
1.1. Call for projects : Action 1: Support and develop RDI infrastructures and enable the investment needed for a regional qualitative leap.
All infos on FR or NL website
1.1. Call for projects : Actions 2 to 5
All infos on FR or NL website
1.1. Call for projects : Actions 2 and 4
All infos on FR or NL website
1.1. Call for projects : Action 6 : Support the creation of a regional infrastructure dedicated to raising young people’s awareness of science
All infos on FR or NL website
Specific Objective 1.2
Reap the full benefits of digitisation for citizens, businesses and public authorities
Selected projects
Organised calls for projects
1.2. Call for projects : Action 1 : Digital development by public services of services and products linked to the themes identified by the Programme
All infos on FR or NL website
1.2. Call for projects : Action 1 (2nd call) : Digital development by public services of services and products linked to the themes identified by the Programme
All infos on FR or NL website
1.2. Call for projects : Action 2 : Initiatives linked to digital appropriation by disadvantaged groups, with priority given to disadvantaged neighbourhoods.
All infos on FR or NL website
Specific Objective 1.3
Strengthen the growth and competitiveness of SMEs
Selected projects
Organised calls for projects
1.3. Call for projects : Action 1 : Actions contributing to SME support
All infos on FR or NL website
1.3. Call for projects : Action 2 : Investment and accommodation (including infrastructure construction/renovation) for SMEs
All infos on FR or NL website
Specific Objective 2.1
Promote energy efficiency measures
Selected projects
9 calls for projects organised
All infos on FR or NL website
Specific Objective 2.6
Foster the transition to a circular economy
Selected projects
Organised call for projects
2.6. Call for projects : Circular economy (Actions 1 to 5)
All infos on FR or NL website
Specific Objective 2.7
Improve biodiversity, strengthen green infrastructure in urban areas and reduce pollution
Selected projects
4 calls for projects organised
All infos on FR or NL website
Specific Objective 4.3
Promote the socio-economic integration of marginalised communities, migrants and disadvantaged groups through integrated measures, including housing and social services
Selected projects
Organised calls for projects
4.3. Call for projects : Develop new housing and accommodation places for vulnerable groups.
All infos on FR or NL website
4.3. Call for projects (2nd call) Develop new housing and accommodation places for vulnerable groups.
All infos on FR or NL website
Specific Objective 5.1
Take measures to strengthen integrated social, economic and environmental development, cultural heritage and security in urban areas
Selected projects
Organised calls for projects
5.1. Call for projects : Action 1 : “Neighborhood facilities”, developed through sustainable neighborhood contracts.
All infos on FR or NL website
5.1. Call for projects : Action 2 : “Supralocal facilities”, developed under urban renewal contracts.
All infos on FR or NL website
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